Deeply Explore Intimacy with self, others and spirit


Arousal: to evoke, to awaken

to rouse from sleep

The SATIATE Spring Season is Arousal.

The change in energy, the shift in season is upon us. It feels like something is stirring within.

Maybe it is a flutter, maybe like its already tilting toward restlessness.

Something is rousing, waking up.

Each season I open a circle to those who identify as women and/or desire to explore their feminine expression.

We will step into the energy of the seasons and evoke the spirit of curiosity, play and approval for our most tender desires and deepest longings.

How would it feel to you to…

🥭 Step into the natural energy of the season

🥭 Explore where things are ripening in your body, sex, and intimate relationships

🥭 Reclaim from the grips of shame, your natural hunger & thirst for sensation, pleasure and ecstasy in your body

🥭 Call back your power from the locations where you willingly or unwillingly siphoned it off to others

🥭 Evoke the spirit of pleasure, play, enjoyment as the means for fulfillment in your body

🥭 Arouse your heart from the tight cold places where you protect yourself

🥭 Arouse your channel to open to a greater Source within you

🥭 Arouse the sensations of your body for deeper, more fulfilling physical intimacy and pleasure.

🥭 Arouse your longings, for a life that feels vibrant, unfettered, expressed and free


Is there something awakening in You?

“Satiate is a landmark moment for my life! When I started Arousal, I was shy and timid about my sexual desires. By the end, I had claimed the relationship I’d wanted despite many logical reasons telling me I had no “right” to. Angela creates a culture of permission and I’m so grateful to have reclaimed my sexual power and desires.”~ Julia


Arousal: spring Summer Includes

8 Workshops facilitated by Angela on Zoom to deeply explore the themes of:

  • Feminine Power & Appetite

  • Sex & Shame

  • Freedom in your sex

  • Desire

  • Joy & Pleasure


During our time you will be supported by:

Customized practices to support each theme

Online community to stay connected between workshops

Pairing with a fellow participant to develop intimate friendship

Bonus: Guest teaching on dating with connection

Arousal: Next season coming soon! Join the waitlist

Still curious to know more? Schedule a call with me


Satiate: to satisfy fully, to the feeling of full.

What is SATIATE?

At the core of all the work I do is the belief that when a person is satiated by her life, she has more to offer to those in her life and community. She can give from the overflow.

Sounds good but - how does one cultivate, feel and sustain this kind of nourishment in our lives?

Each year, aligned with the natural seasons, I facilitate intimate groups of women through an exploration into the well spring of their Power.

As one participant shared,

“Angela holds a beautiful space for women to be held and get in touch with their truth. Through this work, I got to see new places where I can play in my sex and my life.”


Can’t make this one but would like to join us next time?

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